Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

Jadwal Interview Calon Pengurus HIMA PBI 2014

Setelah melalui tahap administrasi, para calon pengurus HIMA PBI 2014 diharapkan mengikuti tahap interview yang akan diadakan pada:Hari/Tanggal : Senin-Rabu (03-05 Februari 2014)Waktu          : Senin (10.00 - 13.35)                      Selasa (10.00 - 12.30)                      Rabu (10.00- 11.45)Tempat        : Lab bahasa lt.1 MicroteachingBerikut nama calon pengurus HIMA PBI 2014 beserta...

Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Registration Form


Registration of English Education Program Students Association Board period 2014

Now, we are opening registration for English Education Program Students Association Board period 2014 till 25th January 2014.To register using online form, click link belowOnline FormorTo download registration form, click link belowDownload FormNote: if you choose to apply using download registration form, do not forget to send it to us via e-mail hmjpbi@gmail.comWe are looking forward to your registration,Sincerely, HIMA PBI UI...

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Open Recruitment Student Association of English Education Program

Student Association of English Education Program (HIMA PBI) will hold open recruitment of new boards of HIMA PBI 2014. There will be five divisions you can choose, those are:Language Division;Public Relation Division;Information and Technology Division;Skill and Talent Division; andResearch Division.For those who are English Education Program Students can start to register yourselves in 13th - 25th January 20...